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Unlock DEX Liquidity with the Novel AMU AI Algorithm

The Aqualis asset multi-utilization AI (AMU AI) algorithm enables up to 80% of DEX liquidity to be simultaneously used as capital for crypto backed loans, drastically increasing lending availability in DeFi without sacrificing trading liquidity.

Keep up to date with the Aqualis Launch

Aqualis is a multi-functional DeFi Protocol

Keep Assets in Crypto

Gain access to immediate liquidity from crypto holdings without selling, providing users with the funds they need without compromising their market exposure.

Keep Assets in Crypto

Optimized Asset Utilization

Increased efficiency delivers low fees and high deposit rates by maximizing asset usage through the Aqualis AMU AI algorithm, the backbone of the entire Aqualis ecosystem.

Optimized Asset Utilization

AQL Staking

Be part of a unique time-weighted staking protocol and be exponentially rewarded for commitment to the long-term vision of Aqualis.

AQL Staking

AI in DeFi

Experience the cutting edge of AI in DeFi with the Aqualis AMU AI algorithm and Aqualis AI Helper. These advancements will further optimize liquidity in the ecosystem, and help ease the barrier of entry to DeFi.

AI in DeFi

Self-Custody with No Limits

Trade, borrow and earn on crypto all from the comfort of a self-custodial wallet without compromising personal information to an exchange.

Self-Custody with No Limits

Perpetual AQL Scarcity

To maintain ecosystem incentives, a portion of trade every fee will be used to buyback and burn AQL from the open market, ensuring an aligned incentive between the DAO and the protocol.

Perpetual AQL Scarcity

The Novel AMU AI Algorithm

Enables seamless trading and lending through a single liquidity pool, giving Aqualis users the ability to enjoy:

Aqualis AI
  • Lower on chain trading fees that rival both DEX and CEXs
  • High organic rewards through unlocking 80% of trading liquidity
  • Lucrative rewards for long term AQL stakers

The Future of Aqualis

Aqualis AI

AI Implementation

Aqualis believes AI in DeFi is a natural evolution of the current ecosystem, with the introduction of a dynamic AMU incorporating AI, the AMU algorithm will be able to update parameters in real time to respond to market conditions.

Aqualis Protocol rocket

Low Transaction Fees, Interoperability and ZKPs

The Aqualis protocol will initially be launched on Polygon to take advantage of the Aggregation Layer, currently in development by Polygon Labs. Being on Polygon already gives Aqualis the advantage of low gas fees, but once the Aggregation Layer is live Aqualis will also have seamless access to the liquidity on all Polygon ecosystem blockchains such as OKX Chain, Polygon zkEVM and Immutable zkEVM, without the need for cumbersome bridges.

Aqualis bright future

Aqualis V2

Through the use of a unified liquidity pool (ULP), Aqualis will enable users to trade all crypto assets on chain while unlocking a massive amount of lending liquidity through the use of the AMU AI. This will allow Aqualis the potential to enable peer to peer loans for any crypto asset that has trading liquidity, giving users endless possibilities to access lending to long, short or hedge crypto on chain.

Simple to use, yet powerful products

Here is a closer look at exactly how each of our products work. For more information, please visit our Docs

Trading V1

Aqualis V1 allows users to trade stablecoins without any price impact, thus reducing the liquidity required to operate efficiently. To account for small deviations in stablecoins, Aqualis uses a variable trading fee instead, ensuring smooth trading even when stablecoins are not exactly perfectly pegged. With this new found efficiency, Aqualis has the capacity to allocate under-utilized funds into other areas of the protocol, such as lending, giving us the power to reduce fees significantly and compete with centralized exchanges.


Up to 80% of underutilized liquidity from trading is dynamically allocated into the lending pool thanks to the AMU AI. This allows users access to loans at significantly reduced interest rates compared to existing DeFi infrastructure without compromising depositor rewards. Users can deposit collateral in either stablecoins or crypto to take out a stablecoin or crypto loan, giving users the ability to bridge short term cashflow needs without selling crypto, increase their exposure to the market or hedge against volatility.

AQL Staking

Support the Aqualis vision to take DeFi into the mainstream by staking AQL to earn Aqualis Power (AP). AP allows participants to have a direct impact in the governance of the ecosystem through our unique time weighted staking mechanism where long term believers of the protocol will be exponentially rewarded from staking and have a say in the direction of the whole protocol.